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Used by Heroes: United States Air Force IFAK has Ceralyte 70

Serving Hydration
to Our Heroes since 1999

Cera is proud to be trusted and used by the military were proper hydration is critical to mission success. Our all natural, zero added sugar, zero fructose, non-GMO, vegan friendly family of products deliver the right balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes to ensure you and your team stay hydrated and strong all day, all mission, all deployment long.

  • Every Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) issued by the US Air Force today includes Ceralyte 70
  • Are they in the flight jackets?
  • Cerasport is the only sports drink classified as Green in the Army's G4G program
  • Cerasport Plus is JCCoE Approved for both Garrison and IMT (Initial Military Training)
  • Ceralyte 70 and Cerasport EX1 (Cerasport too?) have NSNs on all flavors, and are on the Joint Deployment Formulary, as well as AMEDD Approved