We've taken the proven hydration features of Ceralyte and removed the potassium for people in sensitive health situations. This alternative to IV solution can stabilize cell nutrient levels for transplant patients, or individuals that need potassium-free hydration. The optimal formula for dehydrated renal patients on low potassium diet, who need sodium but not potassium. With more carbohydrates than the standard WHO formula and a lower osmolality, our formula is absorbed quickly by the body for rapid rehydration.
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Brian Kerr
AZ 6232619007
As a kidney donor (2020) I technically have Stage 2 kidney disease. Lots of things to keep track of. Recently my dr suggested that I drink "better water" - hmmm - ok what does that mean? I did a lot of research about how to make my water "better" - and it seems I've discovered it with this Ceralyte product! The next lab tests will tell the tale but until then I'm drinking about 2 liters of water a day with this added and NOT worrying about the potassium content. I'm so excited!
It's a good balance of potassium and sodium. It helps to curb diarrhea and palpitations. Stops dehydration. And I like the fact that it's not flavored
I didn’t realize your product contained Stevia before ordering. I am trying to avoid Stevia.
Ordered for a family member with kidney issues. These are the only ones we can find that are potassium free and flavorful. Thank you!