Information about how Cera Products is working with Direct Relief to aid Ebola victims.

Information about how Cera Products is working with Direct Relief to aid Ebola victims.

How ceralyte could be of benefit vs. IV use:

“The ceralyte-70 could help prevent shock from dehydration and perhaps give those stricken a better chance at fighting the disease.  We don't know as it has not been tested, but there are just not enough health professionals in the stricken area to be able to insert IVs and anyway, IVs are invasive and could pose additional risk to the caregivers, too.”

To date, Direct Relief has sent 5 shipments valued at over $590,000 (wholesale) in response to the West Africa Ebola outbreak.  Direct Relief continues to work closely with partners in Liberia and Sierra Leone, and we are currently building additional shipments to address the ongoing need in the region.


From Direct Relief:

Additional information about the partners who will receive critical supplies from Cera:

Wellbody Alliance, a nonprofit that operates a 55-bed clinic in rural Kono District, Sierra Leone is reporting a need for medications, supplies, and emergency staff. Kono District shares a border with Guinea, the source of the outbreak, and neighboring Kailahun District, which has reported the highest number of cases in Sierra Leone. Chief Strategic Officer, Dr. Mohamed Bailor Barrie, is one of only five physicians serving the 450,000 people of Kono District, the epicenter of Sierra Leone’s recent conflict and the most under served region of the country.

Africare is a Monrovia, Liberia-based nonprofit that is active in the following Liberian counties: Boni, Bong, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Lofa, Grand Wedeh, River Cess, Montserrado, Margibi, and Nimba.  Africare is able to leverage its eighty-plus in-country staff, alignment with the President of Liberia, and access to MOH vehicles to effectively clear customs and distribute aid throughout Liberia.

Thank you again for all you have done to contribute to this Ebola relief effort.


If people donate to Direct Relief for this purpose, please note it is for ceralyte ORS and our company will match whatever Direct Relief buys from us.