Cera Products is proud to announce that they have sent 8,000 liters of CeraLyte to Nepal through Direct Relief.

June 19, 2015

Cera Products is proud to announce that they have sent 8,000 liters of CeraLyte to Nepal through Direct Relief.   Child Health Foundation provided funds for 40 cases and Cera Products matched their contribution.
From Direct Relief:
"With 375 of Nepal’s 446 public health facilities and 16 of its private facilities destroyed by the recent earthquakes, the highest near-term priorities include the resumption of health services, provision of logistics to provide drugs and supplies, and care for both injured persons and the general population.

With your support, Direct Relief has delivered more than 100 tons of medical aid – of which nearly half arrived yesterday in Kathmandu aboard a Direct Relief-chartered airlift – to health facilities in the Country’s hardest-hit regions.
These supplies mean that people who were injured in the quake will get the surgery they need because a hospital will have the right surgical materials; that pregnant women will get prenatal vitamins for a healthy pregnancy; and that children born prematurely will breathe on a ventilator -- and it’s thanks to you and everyone else who contributed to the response.

Please visit Direct Relief’s blog for the most recent earthquake response updates from Nepal.

Thank you for what you’ve made possible"

Direct Relief Emergency Response Team

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